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Primary Resources

Get your primary news sources and primary documents free and easy to use right here!

These are simple useful tools to use in your search for and your effort to spread the truth in our intellectually malnourished culture. I trust you will use them and spread them to help feed our fact starved world.

Primary News Sources

Do you recall the old party game, social science experiment where people sit in a row and one person whispers something to another, who whispers it to the next, and all the way around until it comes back to the original whisperer? It is a good illustration of how the news works. It gets repeated and changed from what the original news whisperer said each time it is repeated!

Do you think that every news outlet has reporters in every spot where news occurs over the entire planet? Do you think they have someone on the ground for every happening as it happens? Of course not. While modern cell phones with their video capability may be everywhere and they may record most everything, the news you get is probably still going to be second or third hand.

There is a solution that brings you first-hand accounts. There are news organizations like Reuters and Associated Press and others which have widespread coverage and there is a good possibility that one of these groups has someone on the scene almost anywhere in the world. These are the primary news sources from which most other news outlets glean their news articles. Why not get your news from these sources?

The problem is ease of accessibility. Most folks don’t know which sources are the primary sources because there are so many mainstream media, far right media and just plain ridiculous click bait regurgitating quasi news services out there! It is infuriating! What if someone packaged them all up in a nice bundle of easy to find and reach fast loading pages for your consumption? That is what you will find here!

Primary Documents

If you want to know what the Constitution says, read the Constitution, not what some pundit or biased law professor says about the Constitution! It is the same with every primary document.

When you are discussing politics and government online or off, you sometimes find people quoting the Constitution or Declaration saying they say this or that. Often it is not the truth. When you go to a website to have a look for yourself, most sites include so much commentary and extraneous material that it distracts the mind from the goal.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find all the great American primary documents from our founding unencumbered by distracting commentary all in one place? That is what I thought too! So, since nothing like that existed, I decided to make one myself, It includes the Declaration, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Amendments to the Constitution that came after the Bill of Rights as well as the 12 proposed Amendments to the Constitution known as The 1789 Joint Resolution of Congress Proposing 12 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution from which the original 10 were gleaned.

Editorial Opinion

It is not as though there are no opinions posted on this site. There are. The difference here is that they are labelled as such. The posts are editorial opinion pages. Attempts are made to keep them balanced but they are, nonetheless, opinions. Everyone has them.

Also included is a daily history page that we think you will enjoy!

Bon appetit, and spread the word!

National Stew

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